Right Networks Error Message: We don’t have permission to access your company file

When you see this message “We don’t have permission to access your company file. Please authorize our application and try again.”

Dext Prepare is unable to log into the QuickBooks company data file automatically. This error can be seen for users with Right Networks integration.

Note: The Right Networks integration is available in the United States.

System Requirements:
Operating System: Windows 7 and above

Usage statistics:
Publishing: Up to 30 receipts per client at a time
Average publishing time per receipt: 90 seconds
Average resource fetching time: 60 seconds

In order for this to be fixed, the administrator on QuickBooks must grant permission for an automatic login through the Integrated Application preferences section of QuickBooks Desktop. If the permission was already granted, the administrator must revoke permission, save preferences, then grant the permission again.

Please follow the instructions below in order to fix:

  1. Open QuickBooks on the desired company file
  2. Go to Edit > Preferences > IntegratedApplications
  3. Open the CompanyPreferences tab
  4. There should be a table with Autofy in it (this is what the Dext Prepare Sync Manager is referred to within QuickBooks) and a check sign on its left.
  5. Click on Properties
  6. Enable ‘Allow this application to login automatically‘. If this is disabled because the ‘Prompt before allowing access’ option is enabled, then disable ‘Prompt before allowing access‘ first before allowing the application to login automatically.
  7. A confirmation window will appear informing you about the changes. Click ‘Yes‘.
  8. In the Properties tab, select ‘OK‘ to save the changes for this application
  9. To complete the fix click ‘OK‘ in the Preferences tab to save the changes for you company file

For more information, please refer to this article on QuickBooksHelp.