How to Install Dext Connect to use with QuickBooks Desktop

Connect Dext Prepare to QuickBooks Desktop using the Dext Connect app in order to link your submitted documents and publish them between Dext Prepare and QuickBooks Desktop with ease.

Important Notes: The ability to publish directly to the integration depends on your subscription plan, contact your Account Manager for more information.

Please note that Expense Reports can only be published via the Connect app, and not the web app.

Please also ensure the following prerequisites are met for successful integration.

  • You must be the administrator of your own computer or server.
  • Use one of the QuickBooks Desktop versions we support, which include; Quickbooks Desktop Pro, Accountant, Enterprise, or Premier edition, all versions 2018 and above.
  • You must have the same company file open in QuickBooks Desktop as you would like to integrate Dext Prepare with. No other company files should be open at the time you integrate.
  • The Dext Connect app must be installed and set up on the same computer or server as QuickBooks Desktop.
  • Only the user who set up integration will be able to publish items to QuickBooks Desktop. Other users can still upload, view, or edit items via the Dext Prepare web application.

Download the Dext Connect Application

Double click on the file to start the installer: the installation may take between 2 and 20 minutes depending on your computer. When installing, Windows might display the following message:


This is common for new software that has just been released. To continue, click ‘More info’ and then select ‘Run anyway’.

Once installed, start the application from the desktop shortcut and log into your Dext Prepare account with your usual credentials.


Click on the ‘Integrate’ button in Dext Connect, and select the correct company file.

RBDIntegrate (1).png

After integration, please allow a few minutes for all the category codes and lists to synchronize.

Once integrated, you can update your tax settings within Dext Connect.


How to use the Dext Connect App with Dext Prepare

Add your documents to Dext Prepare

Edit, automate, match, and mark as paid all your documents in the Dext Prepare web application as normal. You can also click ‘Edit in Web’ in the Connect app:


To publish items, you will need to use your Dext Connect application. Click “Publish’ next to the item.


Complete the reconciliation process in QuickBooks. The document image is attached to the transaction.


When you are installing the program and during the integrations process you receive the following message: Integration Failed: Could not get the name of the current QuickBooks company data file.
Please try the following steps:
  1. Close both the QuickBooks Desktop and Dext Connect Desktop applications by:
  • Pressing and holding the CTRL and ALT keys, and then pressing the DELETE key. The Windows Security window appears.
  • From the Windows Security window, click Task Manager or Start Task Manager
  • From the Windows Task Manager, open the Applications tab. From the Applications tab, highlight both applications you want to close and then click End Task.
  • If the applications do not close immediately then open the Processes tab.
  • For each application that you want to close, highlight it once and then click End Process.
  • Reopen both applications and try again.