You can publish both Costs and Sales Credit Notes to QuickBooks Online. This can be done from the Details page of a Cost or Sale Item.
Steps to:
Publish a Costs Credit Note to QuickBooks Online
Publish a Sales Credit Note to QuickBooks Online
Publishing a Costs Credit Note to QuickBooks Online
In order to successfully publish a credit note, you want to make sure that the type is listed as a credit note and that you are publishing to credit note section.
The “Publish to” field is automatically updated when the “type” of the item is changed to “Credit note”

Credit notes get published over to QuickBooks as Vendor credit. They can be located in QuickBooks Online, by clicking on the relevant vendor.
Publishing a Sales Credit Note to QuickBooks Online
To publish a Sales Credit Note to QuickBooks Online, change the item’s ‘Type’ to ‘Sales Credit Note’.
The item is ready to be successfully published in QuickBooks Online as a Sales Credit Note by default.