There are two methods for publishing items to QuickBooks Desktop:
1. Web Publishing
2. The Connect app
Note: You must first integrate the account that you would like to publish from with QuickBooks Desktop, please see this article for further instructions on how to integrate.
Please note that Expense Reports can only be published via the Connect app, not the web app.
Web Publishing
Note: The web publishing feature is in open beta testing currently, if you try it out we’d love to hear your feedback.
Web publishing is the most convenient and flexible way to publish items from Dext Prepare to QuickBooks Desktop.
You can publish items from anywhere that you’re able to access Dext Prepare, as long as the device with Connect installed on it is switched on, and has access to the internet and access to the QuickBooks Desktop company file that you would like to publish to.This also makes it much easier for teams to publish to QuickBooks Desktop clients as there is no bottleneck created by the need to access the device where Connect is installed.
To use web publishing you simply:
1. Fill in the required fields on the item in Dext Prepare through your web browser.
2. Press the ‘Publish’ button that appears next to the item in the inbox or on the item detail page.

3. The Dext Prepare web application will instruct the Connect app to publish the item to QuickBooks Desktop, where the item will then be created as the appropriate type of transaction in the client’s QuickBooks Desktop company file.
Unlike other desktop accounting softwares, QuickBooks Desktop requires that the QuickBooks Desktop application opens each company file within the application in order for new transactions to be created; this is usually handled in the background by Dext Connect.This means that if another company file is already open, publishing will not be able to take place.
Furthermore, publishing to other company files can be blocked if a company file is opened in QuickBooks Desktop by Dext Connect and cannot be closed, typically due to a pop up that requires user interaction.
If you start to receive publishing errors when trying to web publish, please check the device where Dext Connect is installed and see if there are any QuickBooks Desktop company files that are stuck open.
It is also prudent to ensure that no company files are left open during times when users may want to utilise web publishing.
If web publishing is not working then a reliable alternative is publishing through the Connect app.
The Connect app
Publishing through the Connect app is a reliable backup alternative to Web Publishing.
Please keep in mind that all changes to the item prior to publishing must be made through Dext Prepare in your web browser, as the Connect app can only be used for reviewing items prior to publishing and publishing the items.
In order to publish, the Connect app needs access to the QuickBooks Desktop company file that integration was performed with, so ensure that the file has not been moved or that the device still has access to the appropriate network location.You must also ensure that no other company file is open QuickBooks Desktop. As part of publishing Dext Connect will open the appropriate company file and close it after publishing is complete, but it cannot do this if blocked by another company file which is already open in QuickBooks Desktop.
To publish through the Connect app:
1. Review the items in your inbox and ensure that all the information is correct and all the required fields have been completed.
2. Open Dext Connect on the device where you performed the integration with QuickBooks Desktop and view the client that you wish to publish to. Here you will see a view of the inbox from Dext Prepare and you will be able to review the details of the items before you publish.
3. When you are ready to publish just click the ‘Publish’ button next to the item on the inbox list view or on the item detail page.
4. The item will then be created as the appropriate type of transaction in the Client’s QuickBooks Desktop company file.