After you’ve submitted a document to Dext, our automated extraction engine will identify all of the key information and present it in an easily-manageable format, perfect for downloading or processing with a connected accounting software.
See this article for more information on how long extraction takes.
Dext extracts the:
- Original document image
- Type of document; whether it’s a receipt, sales invoice, credit note, etc.
- Document Date
- Due Date
- Supplier
- Currency
- Purchase Order Number
- Total
- Tax Amount
- Invoice Number (if clearly indicated in the item’s image and the system has identified the image as an Invoice or a Credit Note) or Reference Number for other types of documents.
- Payment Method
- Customer (for sales documents)
- Projects (with smart suggestions)
- Description (with smart suggestions)
Each of these fields are editable via the Item details page, and can be adjusted as needed. You can also use supplier and customer rules to automatically apply the correct settings and information to repeat items you receive from a supplier or customer.