Use Projects to assign tracking and location information to your purchases in Dext Prepare.
The ‘Project’ field provides additional information to help code and track your items.

Accounts that are integrated with an accounting software will import information from that software to apply to the ‘Project’ field. The Project and Project2 fields will be replaced with the following field:
- QuickBooks Online – Class and Location are the same. Projects are ‘sub customers’ accessible via the Customer field. Select the right sub customer from the drop down list associate it with a given project.
- MYOB Projects are replaced with Jobs
- SageAccounting: Product (Stock and Non-Stock) and Service
Dext Prepare will automatically suggest the categories that could be applied to the relevant fields, based on the information detected in the item. You see this highlighted as Suggested in the dropdown list and by the icon next to the suggested category.
Tip: when setting a name to a given project/tracking category, we advise you to choose something that could be found in the text of the document – this will make it easier for the automation algorithm to correctly recognise it.
Use User Rules and Supplier Rules to automatically assign a project for predictable suppliers and uploads.
You can set up Smart Suggestions to be automatically applied via the System Settings page bet setting ‘Auto-apply smart suggestions’ to ON.