Dext Prepare automatically converts any foreign currencies into your base currency using Fixer conversion rates for the day that the item is dated.
The document values for the original currency and your base currency will be available to view from the Receipt Details page. Currency data delivered by Fixer is sourced from financial data providers and banks, including the European Central Bank.
The conversion may not match the amount on your bank statement if a different conversion rate from another bank was used.
For a full list of the currencies that the Fixer converts, please click here.
To change the base currency of your account, use the Web App and navigate to the ‘Profile’ option in the main menu to the left, and select ‘Account Details’. Use the ‘Base currency’ dropdown to select your required currency.

When using the Mobile App to capture your documents and a currency is not detected, we’ll use the Base Currency from your Dext Prepare account.