How to Search Through the Inbox and Archive

Use the search, filter and advanced search tools to search for specific paperwork, or groups of paperwork that can easily be processed in the same way.

You can combine the Filter, Search and Advanced Search features to further refine your view of the Inbox or Archive.

Note: All Costs & Sales items can be found in your Submission History. If you cannot find an item you’ve uploaded in the Costs or Sales inbox, it may have been detected as a duplicate item and deleted. The item can be found in the Submission History and can be restored from there.


To filter items:

  1. Click on the Filter icon in the top right of the page.
  2. Select which options you would like to apply to your inbox, you can select multiple Filters at once.
  3. Once you’ve selected your Filters, press the Apply button.

You can remove one filter at at time by clicking on the red X. Or remove all filters by clicking on the Reset button.


Search for any term and see results across all fields within the cost and sales workspaces:

  1. Type the search term into the Search bar and press Enter.
  2. Your search results will highlight all the fields that match the search term. The search term does not need to be exact.

Advanced Search

The Advanced Search feature allows you to add more custom search terms to locate the items you need efficiently.

To use the advanced search:

  1. Simply click the word Advanced in the search bar in the top right of the page to bring up the search panel.

  1. Fill in your required search terms and click Apply to display the items that fit your criteria.

You can remove one search term at a time by clicking on the red X at the top of the page. Or remove all search terms by clicking on the Reset button.