For accounts integrated with Xero in Australia, the ABN & GST status check feature extracts ABNs from invoices and receipts and checks their validity against the Australian Business Register (ABR). GST registration status is also checked alongside the ABN.
To access this feature:
1. Go to the ‘Item Details’ page
2. Then the ‘ABN’ field

3. The ABN will be automatically extracted from the document and the GST registration status checked.
If an ABN hasn’t been successfully extracted, you can add one manually to be checked automatically
4. The ABNs status will be shown as:
- Green tick & ‘GST Registered’: The ABN is valid & GST registered
- Green tick & ‘Not GST registered’: ABN is valid, but GST not registered
- ‘This ABN does not match with the ABN in Xero. Please update it manually in Xero if needed’ – this status will be shown with either ‘GST Registered’ or ‘Not GST Registered’
- ‘The Number entered is not a valid ABN’: Does not meet the ABN requirements
- ‘This ABN is Cancelled’: The ABN is not active on the Australian Business Register

For further information about the ABN, click on ‘Open ABN Lookup site’ to be taken to the ABR.
What will happen to the ABN when you publish the item to Xero?
- A supplier will be created if one does not already exist, including the ABN
- If there is no ABN for the supplier in Xero, the ABN will be added
- If the Supplier already has an ABN it will not be updated