What Do ‘To Review’ and ‘Ready’ Mean?

The Inboxof your Costs Workspace is sorted into two sections.

  • To Review
  • Ready

Ready means that all of the required information has been completed and this item is ready to be published or exported as a CSV or PDF .

To Review means that the document is missing some information (usually the ‘Category’ field), which you will need to complete before the item can be published or exported as a CSV or PDF.

Hover your mouse over a ‘Not Ready’ icon to learn what details you need to add to publish the item.


You can move an item from ’To Review’ to ‘Ready’ in two ways:

If your account is integrated: Complete the missing fields, such as the category, supplier or amount


 And the Publish button will become active


If your account is not integrated: you will need to manually check all the fields for each item, then select each item that you have reviewed and click the Move to Ready button
