Using Microsoft Azure Active Directory with Dext

You can connect your Microsoft Azure Active Directory account with your Dext account and enable single sign-on.

When connected, access to Dext will be determined by membership in an Azure AD group of your choice. Azure AD users in that group will be able to use their Microsoft account to sign in to Dext.

How the connection works:

  • During setup, you can specify which Azure AD group will be used to determine access to Dext.
  • Azure AD users added to the group will automatically receive access to Dext. Users removed from the group will automatically have their Dext access revoked. Suspending Azure AD users in your account, e.g. when employees leave your organization, will automatically revoke their Dext access even if they have not been removed from the group.
  • Adding an Azure AD user to the group automatically creates a corresponding Basic User in your Dext account, unless a Dext user with that email already exists. In case of the latter, the original privilege of the pre-existing Dext user is preserved.
  • Adding Azure AD users to the group changes their login flow. Once added, these users will only be able to use SSO to log in. Their old login credentials (email and password) will no longer work.
  • Gradual roll-out is supported. You can enable SSO for a part of your Azure AD users by adding them to the group while leaving the rest to continue using email and password to log in. Once you have migrated all users, SSO can be enforced for all users in your account.
  • After the feature is fully set up, all access to your Dext account will be managed within Azure AD, thus lowering the burden of managing staff accounts.

To find out more about this feature and start using it in your organization contact support.