This insight gives a breakdown of the key trading statistics of a company, with a focus on volume, e.g. number of bank transactions for the period. Designed for accountancy firms utilising proposal tools such as GoProposal to quickly calculate pricing when a client is up for renewal.
What you need to know:
There are 2 types of Activity Stats. The first one is found under each client in the Business Insights section and looks at the individual client transactions which can be run for whatever period you want to view.
The second one is under Practice Dashboards called Activity Stats. This is a consolidated view of ALL clients and shows total transactional activity by annual, average by period and change by month on month (MoM) and year on year (YoY) by total count and by % increase/decrease. Great to use when reviewing pricing across types of clients ie those in a Bronze, Silver bundles by filtering by Client Tags.
By default, this insight calculates statistics for a rolling 12 month period, starting from the last complete month, and working back from there. However, you can select a date range and Dext Precision will do its best to segment your date range into monthly slots.
Bank Transactions
Xero: Bank Transactions are the number of bank statement line items. So reconciled or unreconciled.
QBO: Bank Transactions that are categorised in QBO as a ‘bank type’.
Sales, Bills & Credit Notes
We are tracking invoices posted to the sales and purchase ledger. We don’t include ‘spend’ or ‘receive’ money transactions which are posted directly to the general ledger from the bank.
Manual Journals
This is the total number of manual journals posted in the period run.
The Activity Stats insight uses the following logic to determine the Turnover calculation:
The NET value of all transactions in the selected date range that have an Account Type of either Revenue or Sales.
TIP: Note that the Account Type Other Income is not included in this calculation.
This gives you some flexibility in determining this Turnover figure, as the Account Type can be modified for each account in Xero.
Next Steps:
This is the Activity Stats Insight which looks at an individual client, but we also have an Activity Stats Dashboard under Practice Dashboard. This looks at all client activity in one report. Great to use to do pricing reviews across a cohort of clients such as pricing bundles reviews.