Custom Health Score

See which checks are included in the calculation of a client’s health score with an updated Client Overview page, and select the checks you wish to include with Custom Health Scores.

Important: to configure a custom health score for a team, the user must be either the team owner or a team admin.

Updates to the Overview Page

The Client Overview page now lists the checks used to calculate a client’s health score in the ‘Included in the Health Score’ section, and will change to reflect the checks that are selected for the health score calculation.

The list will show whether using a custom health score or the default Precision health score.

Click the Health score details button at the top left of the page for an in depth explanation of the health score, including a breakdown of the checks contributing to the health score.

To see the percentage weight of each of the checks, click View as a table in the top left of the box.

For example a check with a 30% weighting means if that check passes, 30% will be added to the total health score but if that check completely fails, 30% will be removed from the total health score.

Configuring a Custom Health Score

You can create a Custom Health Score by selecting the checks you wish to include.

Important: to configure a custom health score for a team, the user must be either the team owner or a team admin.

You can create a Custom Health Score by selecting the checks you wish to include.

To do this, access the health score settings by:

  1. Navigating to Team home in the sidebar.
  2. Then Configuration, and Health Score Settings.
  1. Click the Customise Health Score button to begin creating a custom health score for the team.
  1. You will then be taken to the ‘Set up’ step of health score settings. Select the checks to be included in the health score calculation by clicking the + Add button next to the check in the ‘Selected Checks’ list.

    You will then be taken to the ‘Set up’ step of health score settings. Select the checks to be included in the health score calculation by clicking the + Add button next to the check in the ‘Selected Checks’ list.

A custom health score must have between 5 and 12 checks included, and the combined weighting of all the checks must add up to 100%.

A higher weighting gives a higher significance of the check in relation to your health score calculation.

  1. When you’ve selected all the desired checks and their weighting, click Next.
  2. You’ll then see a summary and confirmation screen for the selected custom health score settings.
  1. When ready, click Save custom Health Score to complete the set up.

Editing or Restoring to Default a Custom Health Score

Once a custom health score has been configured, it can be edited or restored to default by:

  1. Navigating to Team home in the sidebar.
  2. Then Configuration, and Health Score Settings.