A selection of Dext Precision’s Checks can be combined together in a logical order into Workflow Templates. They can be reviewed by your team to ensure they’ve addressed activities that are important to them.
Workflow Templates contain a combination of checks and custom checks (if applicable) that are linked to a client, user and reporting period. Due dates are assigned and users are notified when a workflow is coming up and is due/overdue.
So rather than a team member having to hop around different pages on the site trying to remember to check, e.g. Dividends Status has been reviewed, then say Bank Reconciliation is complete, we allow them to build Workflow Templates that bring all these things from across the app into a single workflow, where they can be examined, actioned and finally approved or left for further comment.
What you need to know:
- Flows can be generated on are repeatable basis using Repeating Flows or for a one off job using One Off flows.
- You can also build a flow ‘on-the-fly’ when using Flow Creator. You must have a template build first in your Flow Templates library to do this.
- If you delete a client from Precision their flows will be deleted along with the client. If you add the client back to Precision at a later date there will be no history stored for those flows to access.
Setting up your Flow Templates
Go to Workflows – Workflow Templates – + New Workflow Template – or edit an existing Workflow Template
Next Steps:
Create a Workflow using templates that you set up to use when setting up a single One Off or Repeating Workflow.