This dashboard shows all Workflows at all stages of completion. This includes Workflow details such as the assigned team member, account managers 1 & 2, reviewers, reporting period, number of checks completed and total number of checks. Use this dashboard to keep up to date on the progress for your team members workflows.
What you need to know
- The clients you have visibility over will be the ones you can see on this dashboard. Team Owners & Team Admins will see all.
- Team Members will see their clients only unless they have been given permission to see all clients.
- You can customise this dashboard and save custom reports
As this is it one of our ‘report creator’ style reports you can group columns or change the settings to the right of the page selecting which columns you want to create a report from and use the filters to organise the information in the report.
Go to Team Home – Practice Dashboards – Workflows Dashboard
Suggestions for Customising the Workflows Dashboard
Grouping Columns
When you first open the Workflows Dashboard it will be the default view showing all information available and visible based on your client permissions. However you can customise your own view and save that as a Custom Report which you can save just for your own use or you can choose to share that view with your team members. One of the first things you may want to do is create groupings. You can choose any column to group by or create a multi group. For example:
Group by Workflow Name – drag the column Workflow Name up to the grey grouping area
This grouping will then summarise all the workflows. You can use the drop down arrows next to each grouping and view each workflow and under that group for more information/status/progress of each.
There are other options with grouping that you may find more helpful. Perhaps you would prefer to group the data by Assigned To column. This will group all workflows by the Team Member they were assigned to. Then you can group a second layer – by Workflow Name. This grouping will show Team Member – Workflows under their name. To do this:
Step 1 – Drag Assigned To column to grouping area
Step 2 – Drag Workflow Name up to the grouping area so it sits next to Assigned To column. This will group the workflows by name under the Assigned To group. Use the drop downs on each of those workflow names to see the clients those workflows are assigned to for review. As shown in the picture below.
Other ways to customise by using Grouping:
- Group by Account Manager 1 – Assigned To – Workflow Name
- Group by Assigned To – Workflow Name – Due Date
All depends on how you want to view the information on the dashboard and how you want to manage the progress of the workflows.
Using Filters
Using filters allows you to be more specific with customising the dashboard. Reasons you may want to filter will be if you want to look at just one type of Flow or by 1 Assignee. You can filter by Columns or by Filters which can be found on the right hand side of the dashboard.
Click on Columns – choose the columns you want to see by leaving them ticked (as default) and untick all others. In the example below I have chosen columns Workflow Name – Client Name – Account Manager 1 – Due Date – Status (but you can choose what you want depending on your requirements).
Then click on Filters – here you can choose what you want to see in the columns. So if you just want to view information for a specific workflow by selecting Workflow Name – type in Monthly Bookkeeping (example shown below)
Pin Columns
You can pin columns so you can scroll across all other information in the dashboard keeping the pinned column visible. Example: Pin the first column, Workflow Name, click on the 3 lines to the right of the column – Pin Column – Pin Left. This will anchor Workflow Name so you can scroll and view the rest of the information in the dashboard. This is the same as freezing columns in an excel document.
Tip: If you want to select a different first column click on that column and drag it across the dashboard to the start and drop it where you want it. Then from here you can pin that column.
Saving as a Custom Report
Once you are happy with the dashboard view you have created you can save this view as a custom report. Click on Save at the top right of the dashboard. Give the custom report a name and if you want to share with your team tick the checkbox under the dashboard name. Otherwise this custom report will only be visible to you.
Next Steps:
- Review Custom Reports to view templates available to use.
- See Getting Started with Workflows to learn more about creating and managing workflows in Precision.
- We also have an On Demand Training video that you can register for here, choose your region, and watch at a time that is most convenient for you.