Adding & Managing Income or Expenses for Dext Solo Clients

Add transaction data on behalf of your Dext Solo clients and categorise them into HMRC set codes. Categorised transactions can then be organised into reports on the reporting summaries page, in preparation for sending to HMRC.

Adding Income & Expenses

Depending of the transaction collection method selected (costs & sales or bank) you will be able to use several different submission methods to add transaction data to a client’s account.

For Costs & Sales:

For Bank

Categorising Costs & Sales Items

Within Solo, there is a default list of categories mapped to tax boxes which you can customise to suit your client’s needs and streamline your tax reporting.

To learn how to map categories to tax boxes see this article.

You can see a list of these categories by going to Lists in the sidebar, then Categories.

You can apply these categories to individual items, in bulk to multiple or set a supplier rule that will be automatically applied to specified transactions.

To Categorise a Costs or Sales item:

  1. Go to Costs or Sales in the sidebar. You will automatically be taken to the Inbox.
  2. Then go to the Category column and select the relevant category from the drop down list.
  1. Alternatively, you can click on the relevant costs or sales item listed in the Inbox. Then, on the Item details tab, select a category for the item.

To Categorise multiple Costs or Sales item in bulk:

  1. Tick the checkbox next to the relevant items
  2. Click Tools in the top left of the page, then Bulk edit.
  3. Select the category and click Bulk edit.

Set a Supplier Rule to Automatically Categorise Items:

To save time and automate the process as much as possible you can also set up supplier rules, that will applied whenever documents from a specific supplier is uploaded to Dext Prepare. See how to set supplier rules here.

Categorising Bank Transactions

Within Solo, there is a default list of categories mapped to tax boxes which you can customise to suit your client’s needs and streamline your tax reporting.

To learn how to map categories to tax boxes see this article.

To Categorise Individual Transactions:

  1. Go to the Bank workspace in the sidebar.
  2. Then Transactions.
  3. Select the relevant category for the transaction in the Category column.

Splitting Costs or Sales Items

You may to split out line items within a costs or sales transaction, for example to differentiate between a business or personal expense shown on one receipt.

To split a transaction:

  1. Go to the Costs or Sales Inbox.
  2. Click on the relevant transaction.
  3. On the Item details page, scroll down to Line Items, and click Create line items.
  1. Click Add a new line item.
  1. Select the relevant category, and enter any information needed including quantity, unit price, net, tax or total.
  2. Click Add a new line item to add additional line items.
  3. When completed, click Done.