From April 2026, you’ll need to keep records of your business income and expenses in a digital format.
Dext Solo will enable you get ready for the upcoming changes to reporting earnings that HMRC will require.
- What is the ITSA area?
- How do I access the ITSA area?
- What is a Transaction Collection Method?
- How to submit your documents into Dext
- Categorising Documents
- Using the Mobile App
- Switching between multiple accounts
What is the ITSA area?
We now have an ITSA area that will allow you to add your income and expenses to Dext Prepare and work alongside your accountant to submit this data directly to HMRC.
From April 2026, if your business and / or property has a gross total of £50,000 or more you’ll need to:
- Keep records of your business income and expenses in a digital format.
- Submit to HMRC using an MTD-Compatible software.
- Send quarterly updates of the income and expenses of your business.
- Finalise your business income and submit an end of period statement (EOPS) annually.
- Submit a final declaration of income annually.
How can I access the ITSA area?
Once your accountant has created a Dext Solo account for your business, you’ll receive an email inviting you to Dext Prepare.
By accepting this invitation, you’ll be able to access the ITSA area.
From here you’ll be able to edit or add details for your Income Source as well as submit and view transactions.
What is a Transaction Collection Method?
A Transaction Collection Method is the type of documents you’ll be submitting to Dext Prepare and also sending to HMRC.
You can choose either:
- Receipts and invoices – Submit your invoices and receipts to Dext Prepare through the web app or mobile app.
- Bank – Connect to a bank feed to have your transactions automatically added to Dext Prepare or submit your bank statements manually through the web app.
Note: You’ll either have the option to add receipts and invoices, or bank statements. You won’t see both options.
The Transaction Collection Method will have been selected by your accountant when setting up the account in Dext Prepare.
We’d recommend reaching out to your accountant if you’d like to make any changes to this.
How to submit your documents into Dext
If your Transaction Collection Method has been selected as Receipts and invoices you can submit your documents by:
- Adding documents in the web app
- Emailing your documents into Dext using your unique email in address
- Setting up an invoice fetch connection
- Using the mobile app
When logged into the web app, click the green Add Document button in the top left corner to access each of these submission methods.
If Bank has been selected as the Transaction Collection Method, you can:
- Set up a bank feed through the web app or the mobile app
Add your bank statements using the green Add Documents button in the top left corner of the web app.
Categorising documents
You’ll need to add a category to each document submitted into Dext. There’s a set list of categories to choose from which have been set by HMRC. You can add a category in the web app by:
For Receipts and invoices:
- Navigating to your Cost or SalesInbox
- Select the relevent Category from the dropdown list for each item.
For Bank:
- Navigating to Bank > Transactions.
- Select a Category from the dropdown list for each item.
Using the Mobile App
For Cost & Sales:
Use the green + button to capture images of your receipts and invoices.
Once you’ve captured your image, you’ll be able to add in additional information about the document as well as select a category.
For Bank:
If you can’t see the Bank section on the menu at the bottom of the screen, click More to access this area.
From here, you’ll be able to add and manage bank feeds, see transactions that have been added and add categories to these transactions.
For more information on this, take a look at this article.
Note: Bank statements will need to be submitted using the web app.
Switching between multiple accounts
If you have multiple accounts, you can use the account switcher drop down list to navigate between them.