Upload multiple documents to Dext using the Upload, Email or Mobile submission methods.
Learn how to upload multiple documents to the costs workspace using:
To upload a costs or sales document:
- In the web app, click the green Add Documents button at the top of the page.

- The Add Documents panel will then appear on the right hand side of your screen. Make sure the Costs or Sales tab is selected at the top of the panel.

- Next, select a Document Owner. If you don’t want to assign a document owner, for example when uploading a rent expense for which the business itself would be the document owner, select None.

Note: The Document owner can be changed from the Item details page, once the document is uploaded and extracted.
- Beneath Upload from Computer select how the file(s) you’re uploading are formatted:
For Costs items:

One document per file (PDF, JPG, PNG, ZIP)
Upload a file containing only one transaction. To save time, you can select or drag and drop multiple individual files to be uploaded at the same time.
One document per page (PDF only)
Upload one file containing multiple transactions (of up to 200 pages), with one transaction showing per page.
Note: These transactions will be split per page break, and every page will be considered its own separate item.
Auto splitting (PDF only)
Upload one file (of up to 50 pages) with multiple transactions throughout the pages.
For example, when a document of 10 pages containing 5 invoices is uploaded, Auto Splitting accurately locates and splits out these invoices and sends them to your Costs inbox as 5 individual items.
For Sales items:

One document per file (PDF, JPG, PNG, ZIP)
Upload a file containing only one transaction. To save time, you can select or drag and drop multiple individual files to be uploaded at the same time.
One document per page (PDF only)
Upload one file containing multiple transactions (of up to 200 pages), with one transaction showing per page.
Note: These transactions will be split per page break, and every page will be considered its own separate item.
- Next, click the green Select Files button to choose the files to upload, or drag and drop the file(s) into the green box.

- You will then see the progress of the item being uploaded and will be notified if the upload has been successful or not.

Note: If the document has already been added to your account the upload will be rejected. This is to avoid having duplicate entries of the same transaction in your Dext account.
- If the upload is successful, the item will then go through the extraction process and can be found in the In Processing section of the Costs or Sales workspace in the sidebar.
You can also submit multiple items via email, by sending a PDF file containing multiple transactions (of up to 200 pages), with one transaction showing per page.
To email in multiple items:
- In your Dext account find your multiple costs or sales email in address by going to the +Add Documents button at the top of the page or Profile > User Settings.
Send emails containing your Costs paperwork to your ‘custom name@multiple.dext.cc‘ address. For Sales documents, send your emails to your ‘custom name+sales@multiple.dext.cc‘ address.

- In your personal email account, compose a new email to your multiple Extract by Email address.
- Next attach the document or documents to the email, or add it to the body of the email.
- If you wish to attach the same description to all of the items, type in your desired description between two #note tabs. When the items show in Dext this exact description will show in the description of each item.
- When the email is ready, click Send.
Once it has been sent, Dext separates each page of the multiple files contained in the attachment into individual items.
Note: If you regularly receive receipts or invoices from suppliers through email, consider setting up an email-forwarding rule. This means that documents will be automatically sent on to Dext without you having to spend any time processing them.
Finding and amending the Extract by Email address custom name
You can edit your Extract by Email addresses or the address of another user that you manage at any time if necessary.
Note: You will only have access to editing another user’s addresses if you have the relevant User Privilege level.
To do this:
- Click your name in the top right corner > User Settings.

- Next, create an Extract by Email address by entering your custom email username. Please don’t enter an email domain as the Dext email-in domain (@dext.cc and @multiple.dext.cc) will automatically be added to the custom username. The system will then automatically create your Extract by Email addresses for you to use right away.
To edit the addresses for other users that you manage on your account:
- Go to My Users on the navigational sidebar.
- Then click the Manage button alongside the user for whom you want to know the email-in address, and click Edit User Details.

- In the Email In section, amend the custom name by clicking into the Email-in address text field. And when ready, click Save.

Use the Dext mobile app to upload multiple costs and sales items to your account.
- Log in to the Dext mobile app.
- Tap the green + button at the bottom on the screen to upload a document.
- Select Costs or Sales in the bottom right of the screen.
- Use the Multiple camera mode to take photos of multiple documents and, when ready, upload them all to Dext at once.