Using Xero Tracking Categories in Dext

After integrating Dext with Xero, your Xero Tracking Categories will be imported into your Dext account. 

Note: This is not related to the Xero Projects add-on product.

The names of your Tracking Categories within Xero will be imported into Dext. 

Your Tracking categories can be created and edited in this section of your Xero account:

In the Dext web application you will then find the two Tracking Categories you’ve created in Xero by going to Business Settings in the sidebar, then Lists. This is also where you can refresh the categories and choose your options:

On the item details page you can then assign the Tracking Category and options you have created in Xero to any document that has been submitted.

Dext will automatically suggest the categories that could be applied to the relevant fields, based on the information detected in the item. You see this highlighted as ‘Suggested’ in the dropdown list and by the icon next to the suggested category.

Tip: when setting a name to a given project/tracking category, we advise you to choose something that could be found in the text of the document – this will make it easier for the automation algorithm to correctly recognise it.

You can set up Smart Suggestions to be automatically applied by going to Business settings >Lists >Automation >Smart Suggestions and setting ‘Auto-apply smart suggestions’ to ON.