What File Types Can I Upload to Dext Prepare?

For Costs and Sales items such as receipts, bills, or invoices you can submit the following file formats:

  • JPG
  • PNG
  • GIF
  • BMP
  • TIFF
  • HTML (via email only)
  • PDF*
  • DOC**
  • DOCX**
  • ODT
  • RTF
  • HEIC
  • ZIP (archives containing only file types listed above)

File size limits: 6MB for images; 100MB for ZIP archives.

* PDF files that contain multiple items are subject to the following criteria:

  • There is a limit of 200 items (1 item per page) per PDF
  • Items must not exceed one page in length.
  • Each item must be on its own individual page.

** Please format DOC and DOCX files in the simplest way possible to make sure that they upload correctly. Please do not use non-standard fonts, freezing columns, headers/footers or symbols/images in your DOC and DOCX files.

For Bank items we support Bank Statements only and you can submit the following file formats:

  • PDF*
  • TIFF

*There is a limit of 300 pages for Bank Statement Extraction

File size limits: 50MB or A1 maximum size. We recommend a minimum of 200dpi for any original documents that have been scanned.