At the team level, Precision has several different practice-level data sets. This data allows you to view information and build custom reports covering data quality, transactional activity, VAT status and liabilities and manage Deadlines for Companies House, Accounts filing & VAT.
All of our reporting dashboards can be found under Team Home – Practice Dashboards
- Practice Dashboard (All Regions)
- Activity Stats (All Regions)
- HMRC/MTD Dashboard (UK Only)
- Deadlines Dashboard (UK Only)
- Workflows Dashboard
- Custom Dashboards

Practice Dashboard
A comprehensive home of your clients, this is the first place to come to get a handle on your practice. Each row is a client in Precision, and here we store many of our metrics.
The data shown in this report is for last complete month. You can’t set a reporting period yourself. However, there is an option to view the data per the settings for each of your client’s reporting periods set in their overview screen.
Look at our help article on Practice Dashboard to learn more on how to create reports using this data set.

Activity Stats
The Activity Stats view is your source for Precision’s performance metrics from the Activity Stats Insight, month-by-month for the last year. This includes MoM and YoY changes, so you can check which of your clients are under- or over- performing.
Note that the Activity Stats dashboard, like the Practice Dashboard, defaults to the data from the last complete month and works backwards from there.
Look at our help article on Activity Stats to learn more on how to create reports using this data set.

HMRC Dashboard
For UK clients using our HMRC integration this dashboard is your location for all things MTD in your practice. Each row is a VAT period detected by Precision for each client, including the filing period, due dates, status, amount and outstanding values.
Note: The HMRC dashboard is currently only available for Xero clients, we hope to make this available for QuickBooks Online clients soon. It will only show in your sidebar under Practice Dashboards if you have integrated with HMRC.
Look at our help article on HMRC Dashboard to learn more on how to create reports using this data set.

Deadlines Dashboard
The Deadlines Dashboard allows you to see the Accounts Filing & Confirmation Statement date requirements from Companies House, as well as VAT deadlines from HMRC, for your entire registered company portfolio at once. Suitable for both your Xero & QuickBooks Online clients, the dashboard also includes a traffic light colouring system so you can see deadlines that are due soon/overdue at a glance.
This is a drag-and-drop report-builder, with spreadsheet-like functionality. You can choose the columns you want to see, group by, sort, collapse and expand until you get it just how you want.
TIP: Set the Company Registration Number in your accounting system for each client, as they won’t appear in the dashboard otherwise. Enable Precision’s HMRC integration via your Agent Services account, and ensure client VAT numbers are set in their accounting system.
Look at our help article on Deadlines Dashboard to learn more on how to create reports using this data set.

Workflows Dashboard
This dashboard shows all Workflows at all stages of completion. This includes the all Workflow details including the assigned team member, account manager 1 & 2, reviewers, reporting period, number of checks completed and total number of checks.

Look at our help article on Workflows Dashboard to learn more on how to create reports using this data set.
Custom Dashboards
This is the section where all your saved reports you have created from all the other dashboards under Practice Dashboards section.
At the top of this dashboard you can filter by the dashboard the custom report was created from.

Next Steps:
All the data sets explained above are at a Practice level which means they show all clients in one dashboard. However, we also have a data set that pulls all journals posted for each of your clients through the integration with Xero & QBO account. This is called The Report Creator. Take a look at how you can create reports for analysing client’s transactions providing insights that help support your client’s growth.