The Cost and Sales inboxes are sorted into two sections.
To Review
Ready means that all of the required information has been completed and this item is ready to be published or exported as a CSV or PDF .
To Review means that the document is missing some information (usually the Category field), which you’ll need to complete before the item can be published or exported as a CSV or PDF.
Hover your mouse over a To Review icon to learn what details you need to add to publish the item.
You can move an item from ’To Review’ to ‘Ready’ in two ways:
If your account is integrated: Complete the missing fields, such as the category, supplier or amount.
And the Publish button will become active
If your account is not integrated: you’ll need to manually check all the fields for each item, then click the Move to Ready button.
Note: If you’d like to see your To Review and Ready items as separate tabs in your inbox, you can do so by navigating to Business settings, Extraction and then switching the Inbox tab to Yes.