How to Back up Your Paperwork

Connect Dext to one of the following cloud storage providers and backup all your Costs and Sales documents automatically or on demand.

Providers include Dropbox, Google Drive, Microsoft OneDrive (+Sharepoint*) and Everial.

* Moving items between Sharepoint and OneDrive is very easy following these instructions here. Setting up a OneDrive connection through Dext allows you to utilise both pieces of software.

Creating a Back up Connection

  1. Go to Business Settings, then Connections. Go to ‘Back up’ and click Connect.
  1. Click on the file storage software of your choice and click Connect. Then follow the sign-in instructions to give Dext permission to access your account.
  1. When complete, your connected storage software will then be listed.
  • To begin uploading your items click the green Backup all button which will begin uploading all your costs and sales items to your cloud storage provider
  • Auto-backup will upload any new items that have been submitted to Dext to your cloud storage provider. Simply click the toggle to ON to enable Auto-backup
  • To identify which items have been successfully backed up, add the Backup column to your Costs or Sales inbox by clicking on the Table settings cog and selecting Backup. A ✅  icon represents a successful backup, a ⏰  icon represents a backup in progress
  • If the backup fails, and a ❗️circle icon is displayed. Refresh the page, select or filter the failed items and then click the Backup button
  • To manually backup items from your Costs or Sales archive, simply select the checkboxes for those items and click the Backup button from the Tools list.
  • To change or disable a connection to your cloud storage provider, on the main ‘Back up’ page, click on the Manage button and then either Change or Disconnect.