Moving Items Into or Out of the Archive

Use the Move to Archive and Unarchive tools to manually move items between the Inbox and Archive.

Items will automatically move to the Archive after they’ve been published or added to an Expense claim.

Moving items into the Archive

Use the Archive button in the Inbox or Item Details page to manually move an item to the Archive.

Items will automatically move to the Archive after they’ve been published or added to an expense claim by default. Navigate to Business settings, Automation and then scroll down to find the Archiving settings where you can specify which actions should cause an item to be moved to the Archive.

Moving items out of the Archive

Use the Unarchive button in the Archive or Item Details page to manually move an item to the Inbox. Use the selection checkboxes in the Archive page to unarchive multiple items at once.

Publishing Data

When Unarchiving a published item, you’ll be asked if you want to ‘Clear publishing data’.


Publishing Data is the indicator that Dext has already published this item to an integrated accounting software.

If you choose to clear publishing data, you’ll be able to publish this item again as normal. It will appear as a new transaction in your integrated accounting software.

 As a result, however, you might end up with duplicate transactions within your accounting software. We’d recommend you check and delete/void the previous entry created by Dext in there and then republish the transaction.

If you choose not to clear publishing data, you won’t be able to publish this item again. Dext will return the item to the Inbox with a publishing error.