When you submit a receipt, invoice or other piece of financial paperwork, Dext Prepare will read and record the Supplier.
This article is relevant to the legacy Dext experience. You can access the article for the enhanced Dext experience here.
Depending on the item that has been uploaded, the supplier may not yet exist in your account, the name of the supplier may be slightly different or have a trading name and a company name that you want to combine into one.
If the supplier doesn’t yet exist you can create a new supplier, and if the supplier is a duplicate you combine two or more suppliers into a single supplier by manually merging them or using the Supplier Duplicates button.
Important: Merging suppliers cannot be undone
Create a New Supplier
If the correct supplier name doesn’t exist on your list you can easily create it from the Item Details Page.
To do this please:
- Go to the Item Details page.
- Click on the Supplier field and search for the supplier.
- If your supplier name is not listed click +Add “supplier’s name” to create the supplier for you.

Merge Existing Suppliers
If a supplier was incorrectly extracted and then published to your accounting software you can still correct it. If there are two suppliers in your Dext Prepare account for the same supplier you can merge them and select the desired name to be kept.
To manually merge two suppliers:
- Go to the Lists section in the sidebar, then Suppliers.
- Use the search or click Supplier duplicates to locate the suppliers you would like to merge.
- Use the checkboxes to select the relevant suppliers and click the Merge button at the top of the page.

- Select which of the supplier’s names to keep, and click Merge.

Delete a Supplier
To delete a supplier that exists only in your Dext Prepare account:
Important: To delete a supplier that also exists in your integrated accounting software, you’ll first need to delete the supplier in your accounting software before deleting it in Dext Prepare.
- Go to the Lists section in the sidebar, then Suppliers.
- Tick the checkbox next to the supplier you wish to delete.
- Click Delete at the top of the page.

Note: This action cannot be undone. The items from this supplier will appear with an empty supplier field after this