The item already exists in Xero with status different from ‘DRAFT’!

This is a common error which appears when the item has already been published to Xero but has a status other than ‘Draft’ (for example ‘Awaiting approval’, ‘Paid’, etc.)

To ensure that duplicates are not created in your accounting software we put an electronic tag on all items after they have been published. Simply remove this tag to allow them to be republished by following the steps below.

  1. Login to Xero, locate the item and void it.
  2. Go back to Dext and log-in with your personal e-mail and password.
  3. Select the item(s) in your Archive (tick the checkbox).

3. If you need to use a detailed search, click on Advanced Search in the search bar.

4. Once you have selected your items click the Unarchive button at the top of the screen.

5. Ensure you select the Clear publishing data option before submitting.

6. To re-publish the item from your Inbox, click the green Publish button next to the item.