Submitting Expense Claims for Approval

Submit expense claims for approval.

Submitting an Expense Claim

When you have completed an expense claim and want to submit it for approval:

  1. Go to Costs, then Expense Claims
  2. If an approval workflow has been set up by your approver(s) to manage your request for approval, there will be a Request approval button next to your expense claim. Click the button and your request will be sent to your approver.
  1. If the request approval button isn’t showing, check the box next to the expense claims you wish to request approval for (you can select multiple if needed), then click Submit for approval at the top of the page.
  1. Then choose an Assigned Approver. The Assigned Approver can be; a user set up as an Expense Approver, the Admin User for the account, or your Bookkeeper/Accountant who can access your account. When ready, click Submit.
  1. The submitted expense claim will be marked as Waiting in the ‘Approval status’ column.

    Once approved, the claim will be marked as Approved.