Approving Expense Claims

Approve expense claims submitted to you for review and sign off.

Expense Claims can only be approved as a claim, not as single items.

Roles & Permissions for Approving Expense Claims

Keep in mind that you must have the appropriate roles and permissions assigned to approve Expense Claims.

Practice Roles & Permissions

  • Admin users have full permission to approve expense claims.
  • Client Admin and Standard Users must have ‘Access to all documents‘ enabled to be assigned to an expense claim as the approver.

Once submitted the approver of a claim cannot be changed, however expense claims can be approved by all account Administrators, regardless of the team member assigned as approver.

You can edit a team member’s role and permissions by going to Team, then clicking Manage next to the relevant colleague and clicking Edit privileges.

Business Roles & Permissions

  • Business Admins and User Admins can be assigned approvers of expense claims.

You can edit a user’s role and permissions by going to Users, then clicking Manage next to the relevant colleague and clicking Edit privileges.

Approving Expense Claims

When a request for approval is submitted, the expense approver will receive a notification email, in which they can click the View Expense Claim button contained in the email to access the request directly and review it.

To access requests through the app:

  1. Go the Costs, then Expense Claims.
  2. Requests awaiting approval will have ‘Waiting’ listed in the Approval status column. Click the claim to access and review the claim.
  1. Review the claim. If you have questions about items listed in the claim, you can message the client directly about the item using item messaging.

    If the claim is ready to be approved, click Approve claim at the top of the page.

The claim will then be marked as Approved in the Approval status column.

Approving Expense Claims using the Mobile App

You can now approve expense claims submitted for approval using the mobile app! 

To approve an expense claim on the mobile app: 

  1. Log into the mobile app
  2. Click the Expense Claim button
  3. Click into the expense claim you’d like to review 
  4. Once you’ve reviewed the items in the claim, click the three dots button in the top corner
  5. Select Approve Claim