Practice Settings

The Practice Settings relate to the practice itself.

You’ll find the Practice settings in the bottom left corner.

If you’d like to update the settings for your practice’s bookkeeping account, you’ll need to navigate to this account and click Business settings.

Practice Profile

From within the Practice profile, you can update the practice details including business name, currency and language as well as the registered address.

If your practice is registered for tax, you can enter this information under the Tax section.

You can also select whether you’d like to sign off messages with your company name when messaging clients.


You can view your plan and usage from within the Subscription section.

If you’d like to make any changes to your subscription, you can do so by clicking the Changeplan button.

You can also upgrade your bundles by clicking the Upgrade bundle button under each bundle.

For more information about managing your subscription, take a look at this article.