The Cost Analysis Insight

The Cost Analysis insight is designed to analyse your client’s expenses across their supplier base and their expense accounts over time and automatically detect issues. Dext will look for months where the total amount paid is unusual compared to other months.

Clicking a supplier or account will show a chart of amounts over time and highlight the periods where we have detected there may be an issue. Clicking on a bar in the chart will explain the issue that we have found and show a summary of payments to the supplier or account in the chosen period. You may then choose to dismiss the alert or go through to Xero to investigate.


On each Supplier or Account Code card is an indicator on the right for Dext’s best guess on the regularity of those payments to that supplier or account code, e.g. weekly or monthly.


Each anomalous period can be ‘dismissed’ if you have reviewed the period and do not want Dext to raise it again. The card for that supplier or account will not be removed from the view until all anomalous periods in the chart have been dismissed. Dismissed items do not contribute to the Health Score. Any dismissed periods can be viewed by selecting dismissed from the filter at the top of the screen, where you can then review and undo any accidental dismissals.


  • Display Mode – Use the Display Mode to toggle between reviewing cost by Supplier and cost by Account Code. Both views work in exactly the same way, except for the categorisation of costs.
  • Active During – Set this date parameter to view only suppliers or account codes active in a certain period.

Anomalies | Dismissed | All Suppliers/Accounts – Use this filter to view either all anomalies detected, all dismissed anomalies, or simply all account codes or suppliers, regardless of any anomalies or dismissals, for a full review.