Duplicate Contacts highlights your general ledger contacts identified as potential duplicates.
You can’t make changes to duplicate contacts in Dext. You will need to merge them in your GL.
This can happen if you create a new contact during the process of inputting an invoice or similar, and miss the fact that the contact already exists.
Review Duplicate Contacts
Xero – review these, you may dismiss any which aren’t true duplicates, or for Xero clients, clicking the name of the contact will take you to Xero to amend them. The transaction count should give a good indication of which contact has had more activity.

QBO – Duplicate Contacts feature for QBO clients had an extra column called Contact Type. Duplicates are indicated only when the Contact Types are matching. This will help to avoid showing false positives where a contact is both a supplier and a customer.

There are different levels of identifying duplicate contacts identified as the ‘Precision level’:
- Extreme – nearly an exact match, may have just one letter or an extra space (eg. Sainsbury & Sainsburys)
- High – close match with a couple of differences (this is the default which can’t be changed) (eg. Fine Food Ltd vs Fine Foods Limited)
- Medium – a contact that may contain a similar name but no match. (eg. Twins 6 & Twins 5)
- Low – can be a contact that has one word the same as another but not likely a match. (eg. Smart Agency & City Agency)
Dismiss the Duplicates Found
Each duplicate contact can be ‘dismissed’ – this means that Dext will no longer count that combination of client names to be a potential duplicate. Dismissed items do not contribute to the Health Score. Any dismissed duplicates can be viewed by selecting dismissed from the filter at the top of the screen, where you can then review and undo any accidental dismissals.
You can dismiss multiple duplicates at a time by selecting ‘Select All‘ above the list, or by using the circular checkbox on the right of the card (on the right of the Dismiss button) on all duplicates you would like to dismiss, and then click ‘Dismiss (X) Suggestion(s)‘.

You can undo a dismissal by going to the Dismissed section at the top of the screen and click on undo in the Actions column.
Correcting the Duplicates
You are not able to make changes to the contacts in Dext. This will have to be done in your GL. There are options in Xero & QBO for merging duplicates. Please view the links below for guidance.
- Xero guidance on merging contacts can be found here.
- QuickBooks Online guidance on merging contacts can be found here.
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