Dext Data Health & Insights integrates with Senta Practice Management Software to allow you to pull Dext Health Scores into Senta to display in your client lists and records. You’ll then be able to use Dext health scores in custom views, and to filter or trigger jobs in Senta.
Note: Dext and Senta match clients based on their Xero information, so only clients connected individually to Xero in Senta will show in the connected list in Dext. A practice level connection to Xero is not sufficient.
Setting Up the Integration
To set up the integration, you will need to follow these steps per the Senta set up page:
In Senta
Enable the Dext integration, by going to:
- Settings > General Settings > Extras to toggle on the Dext Precision integration.
This will add the “Dext Health Score” field to each clients’ “Xero” tab, and adds a new “Dext Precision” integration user.

Generate an API key in Senta that Dext can then use to access Senta via Settings > Users > Integrations.
In Dext
- Go to Practice Settings and then Integrations.
- Click the Senta option to expand it. Populate your Senta account URL and API key in the ‘Connection Credentials’ section.

When you click ‘Link to Senta’, Dext will then do an initial connection to Senta and bring back any Xero-connected clients that it finds. These will be shown in a list in the “Senta Clients” section of the integration. This section contains a filter for Found in Dext Precision | Not Found in Dext Precision | All, so you can see any Xero clients you might be missing in Dext and add them.
Once the connection is complete, Dext Health Scores for the clients that are matched across the systems will be sent over to Senta, and refreshed on a nightly basis. You will be able to view the scores in the “Xero” tab for each client, and add a Dext Precision Health Score column to your client list.
TIP: Occasionally the health scores can take a few moments to show in Senta. After a short wait, refresh the page in Senta to check.