How you’ll add and view your documents within Dext hasn’t changed.
Once you’ve added your documents to Dext, you’ll be able to view them in the relevant inbox.
The Inbox, In Processing and Archive are now tabs in the same workspace allowing you to quickly and easily navigate between your inboxes.

For more detail on each inbox, take a look at the below.
From within the Costs section, you’ll be able to view any cost items submitted as well as access Supplier Statements, Expense Claims and Suppliers.
Supplier Statements
You can now upload your supplier statements to Dext.
By adding supplier statements to your Dext account, Dext will help you match them to the invoices in both your Dext account and your connected accounting software.
For more information on this, take a look at this article.
Expense Claims
Expense Reports have been renamed to Expense Claims and have been moved to sit under the Costs section.
You can create, view, edit, publish and approve expenses from within the Expense Claims page.
For more information on this, take a look at this article.
Suppliers have been moved to sit under the Costs section. You can view your suppliers and set up supplier rules from here.
You can find more information on setting up supplier rules here.
From within the Sales section, you’ll be able to view any sales invoices submitted as well as access Customers.
Customers have been moved to sit under the Sales section. You can view your customers and set up customer rules.
You can find more information on setting up customer rules here.
From within the Bank section, you’ll be able to view Transactions, Statements and Bank accounts.
We’ve moved the collected and processed statements into the same space, so you can see these on different tabs.