Supplier Statements

Add supplier statements to your Dext account and Dext will help you match them to the invoices in both your Dext account and your connected accounting software.

Items for reconciliation are found in Dext and Xero by matching:

  • The Supplier name & Document reference number
  • If the Document reference does not match or is missing, Dext will search for the Total amount, date, and supplier name

Supplier statements will automatically be extracted for each supplier by default when an item is added to the Supplier statement workspace. If you want to turn off extracting supplier statements for a supplier, you can switch it off by going to the Suppliers in the sidebar then turning Extract Supplier Statements OFF.

Submit a Supplier Statement

To submit supplier statements:

  1. Click the + Add Documents button at the top of the screen.
  1. Select the Supplier Statements tab.
  1. Click the Select Files button or drag and drop the file you wish to upload into the green box.

Only PDF files are currently accepted and processed.

  1. Once uploaded the item will appear in the Supplier Statements Inbox

In the Supplier Statements Inbox you will see the status of each item:

  • Ready: extraction is finished
  • Reconciled: marked as reconciled
  • Archived: sent to archived even if not reconciled
  • Reported Mistake: it was reported as extraction mistake and excluded from payed items.

Move a Cost Item to Supplier Statements

To move a Costs item to Supplier Statements:

  1. Go to your Costs Inbox.
  2. Select the item you wish to move from the list, then go to Tools and click Move to Supplier Statements.

You can also move a PDF item from the item details page by clicking the Move to Supplier Statements button at the top of the page.

Reviewing Supplier Statements

Once a supplier statement is added and located in the supplier statements Inbox, you can then review and edit the statement.

On the item details page you will see the details Dext automatically extracts, including:

  • Supplier
  • Date – the end date of the statement
  • Outstanding balance – the balance (or total) on the statement

To review a statement:

  1. In the Inbox, open the relevant item. On the Supplier Statement Details page you will see the extracted data, which can be edited. In the Reconciliation section you will see the status of the invoices listed on the statement.
  1. The status of each invoice will show as one of the following:
  • In Payables only: Item only detected in Xero
  • Dext Only: Item only detected in Dext
  • In Payables & Dext: Item found in both Dext & Xero
  • Missing: An item is extracted from the statement, but is not found in Dext, nor the connected accounting software

Note: if you hover over the status, you will find a link to the document for each source, if available.

  1. You can request missing paperwork from a client or supplier easily by clicking the Request Paperwork button at the top of the page, compiling the report, entering the email of the recipient and sending the report.

If there is a mistake on the item, try re-submitting the item a second time. If the issue persists you can report it by clicking the Report Mistake button at the top of the page.

Note: Reporting a mistake on an item means the item will be excluded from the count of processed items you pay for, but keep in mind it will also restrict your ability to see extracted line items, mark the item as reconciled, or send a paperwork request.

Reconcile or Archive Supplier Statements

When you are finished with a statement and want to remove it from the Inbox, you can either archive the item or reconcile it.

To archive a supplier statement:

  1. Select the item from the list, then click the Archive button at the top of the page.

To reconcile a supplier statement: 

  1. Select the item, then click the Mark as reconciled button at the top of the page. This will send the item to the Archive with a Reconciled status. 


  • I published an item from Dext to Xero, but the supplier statement’s outstanding balance doesn’t reflect it?

When Dext publishes an item to Xero, by default, the item ends up in “Awaiting Approval” status in Xero. Items in this state do not appear on Xero’s Aged Payables report. As a result the supplier statement’s outstanding balance coming from Xero isn’t updated to account for the newly published item.

To remedy this there are a few solutions:

  1. Use the “Publish as” field on the Item details page. See these articles for more information on publishing destinations:
    Publishing Destinations
    Where Are Costs and Sales Items Published to in Xero?
  2. Update the item’s status in Xero after publishing from Dext.
  3. You may change the default publishing state (defaults to “Awaiting Approval”) on the Integration Settings page. Look for the “Publish costs items to purchase as” setting.
    How to manage your integration
    How to Integrate Dext Prepare with an Accounting Software

  • I have both Xero and Approval Max integrations and when I publish an invoice through Approval Max it appears as “In Dext only” in Supplier statements table

Currently Dext matches invoices that are published to Xero and are included in the AP report in Xero. If published through Approval Max we might not be able to match it.