Business Settings

From within the Business Settings, you can update your business profile details as well as manage lists and connections that relate to your account.

The Business Settings can be found in the bottom left hand corner.

Take a look below for more information on what you can do from within the Business Settings:

Business Profile

From within the Business Profile section, you can add your logo, update your business details and the registered address.


You can connect Dext with your accounting software and also to your suppliers so that your invoices automatically uploaded into Dext.

Once connected, you can manage the connection settings by clicking Manage.


From within the Extraction section, you can edit your Extract by Email address, tailor how duplicates are handled within Dext, set how you’d like your tax to be extracted by default, and also set default due dates and payment status.

Note: These options were previously listed under System Settings.


You can specify how you’d like Dext to apply categories to your documents automatically.

You can also set whether you’d like documents to be automatically archived once they’ve been added to an Expense Claim from within the Automations section.

Note: These options were previously listed under System Settings.


From within the Exports section, you can choose how data in CSV files is formatted when it’s exported.

You can also customize your PDF exports and turn on image sharing, so that a link to the source document is included on your exported CSV, PDF or emails.

Note: These options were previously listed under System Settings.


We’ve moved Lists from the sidebar into Business Settings. You’ll now find Categories, Tax Categories, Products and services, and Payment methods within the Business Settings.


We’ve moved Subscription from the sidebar into Business Settings. From here, you can manage your subscription with Dext.