FAQs for Accountants & Bookkeepers

Frequently asked questions about your Dext Account. 

Account Management



Account Management

How can I have multiple accounts with 1 email address?

Yes, you can have multiple Dext accounts under one email address. You can create additional accounts under one email address, and also merge existing logins into one set of login details.

See more about multi-account management here, and share this article with your clients to help them create multiple accounts, or merge existing login details.

‘This email is already taken’ message

Each Dext user must use their own email address to log in to the Web App and Mobile App.

As a result, each login email has to be unique.

If you see this message, it means that there’s already an existing Dext user using this email address.

See this article for what to do when you receive the ‘This email is already taken’ message.

How to Remove a Client

There are two options available when removing a Client from your Partner Account:

Disconnecting a client: completely removes the client from your account and severs the connection.

Deactivating a client: you keep access to the client account but suspend their Dext services. Any documents the client uploads won’t be extracted, however they will still be able to log into their account, view their data and start their own subscription or remove your access to their account.

See this article for how to remove a client from your account.

How to Transfer a Client

To transfer a client to another accountant or bookkeeper, an admin user within the client’s account itself, i.e. an Admin user from the client’s account or the current accountant must disconnect the client. See how to do this here.

Then the client will need to invite the new accountant or bookkeeper to access their account. See this article for how the client can do this.

How to Transfer your Subscription

There are three ways a Dext subscription can be paid:

  1. By the business that owns the Dext account.
  2. An Accountant or Bookkeeper that has access to the business’ account.
  3. A Direct client, already subscribed, who gives access to an accountant.

By default, Dext for Business accounts are paid for by the company that created the account. Accounts that were created by an Accountant or Bookkeeper are paid for as part of the Dext Partner’s subscription.

See this article for how to transfer a business’ Dext subscription to be paid by an Accountant/Bookkeeper, or transfer an Accountant/Bookkeeper account’s subscription to the Business owner.

Note: When a Direct paying client gives access to an accountant and the accountant would like to absorb their subscription, the Admin of the client’s self-paying account must contact Dext to consent for such a change to be made and the accountant must also agree to take over the subscription. Our team will then allow for the ‘Make Paid’ button to be visible on the accountant’s Dext account and they can then take over the billing.


What is included in my plan?

See this page for more information on pricing and what is included in your plan.

Usage and Add-on Limits

Your plan may include a set number of users or clients, and a set free allowance of add-ons such as a Bank Statement Extraction and Line Item Extraction.

To view your allowances:

  1. Go to Practice Settings in the sidebar.
  2. Click on Subscription.

Where to get a breakdown of your client’s extraction usage 

To view your client’s extraction usage for a given monthly billing period:

  1. Go to Practice Settings in the sidebar.
  2. Then Subscription.
  3. Go to the Your plan and usage section and click View client usage.

See this article for more information.

How to update billing details

You can change your billing details to update the information Dext uses to pay for your subscription.

To change your billing details:

  1. Go to Practice Settings in the sidebar.
  2. Then Subscription.
  3. Click the Billing tab.

See this article for further information on how to update your billing details.

How to purchase add-ons to increase your allowance

You can purchase bundled add-ons to increase your allowance of add-ons such as Bank Statement Extraction and Line Item Extraction.

To mange your add-ons:

  1. Log into the Web App.
  2. Go to Practice Settings in the sidebar.
  3. Then Subscription.
  4. Scroll down to the Add-ons section.

Where to find your Dext invoices

To view your invoices:

  1. Go to Practice Settings in the sidebar.
  2. Click on Subscription.
  3. Go to the Invoice History tab.

Note: For any invoices older than 12 months please contact support.


Where to find your Certification Badge

You can find your certification badge in your Orange Select account:

  1. Log in to your Orange Select account.
  2. Go to Certification at the top of the page.

Further Resources

There are many more resources available to help you with your Dext account, including our Help Centre, Dext Certification, and training courses.

To access them:

  1. Log into the Dext Web App.
  2. Click to the ? icon in the top right corner.