Using Workflow Checks

Think of Workflow Checks as individual tools or tasks that require review by someone. These checks are added to Workflow Templates to create a standardised process that you can assign to team members and clients.

When you click on a Workflow in the Workflow List, you’re taken to a special Workflow Mode, which hides the distractions of the rest of Dext and allows you to focus on the job at hand.

What you need to know:

  • Changing the list of checks included in a workflow can only be done by editing the Workflow Template.
  • Once a workflow has been started (in progress) any changes made to the workflow template will not be actioned until the next scheduled workflow for that repeating workflow.
  • If you need to make changes for the current period/workflow you could set up a One Off Workflow adding the checks you want to include just for the specific period.

Managing and Completing the checks

From here you can run through the Checks in a logical order and mark each one as complete once you’re happy. You also have the option to mark checks as complete with issues or not applicable. The checks included in a workflow will likely be a combination of Data Driven Checks and Custom Checks. More on those are shown further down in this article.

If the Check has a down-arrow on the right-hand-side, then it can be expanded to show more detailed information by clicking on the card.

Additional Configuration options

Some Checks have additional configuration options that can be adjusted while you are in Workflow Mode. These Checks have cog icons beside their title. Clicking on the cog will bring up the options that can be adjusted.

Data Driven Checks List

Sometimes if a Check raises an alert then you’re prompted to take action and fix whatever Dext has found to be the issue. Workflows provides a library of these Checks that can be combined together into Workflow Templates.

A list of all data driven checks available in Dext:

Check NameDescriptionXeroQuickBooksOnline
Aged ReceivablesA review of your aged receivables balance, find out who is late in paying you!YesYes
Average Debtor DaysThe Debtor Days ratio shows the average number of days your customers are taking to pay you.YesYes
Bank ReconciliationThis shows the total of unreconciled transactions across all bank accounts in Xero, as well as the oldest item. Ideally, all transactions should be reconciled as quickly as possible.
In QuickBooks this is called Unreconciled Transactions
Aged PayablesA review of your aged payables balance – the invoices you have not paid yet.YesYes
Client has paid PAYEConfirm with the client that they have paid PAYE as per HMRCYesNo
Contact DefaultsSearch each Contact’s transaction history to suggest default reporting codes or VAT Rates which are then pushed back into Xero.YesNo
Cost by Account CodeDesigned to analyse the activity in the General Ledger over time and automatically detect issues.YesYes
Customer RelianceMonitor business reliance on key customers and assess associated risk.YesYes
Dividends StatusKeep track of who has declared dividends, how much they have declared and when they declared them.YesNo
Dormant AccountsGive your chart of accounts a spring clean – review all of the account codes which have not had activity in a while and archive them.YesYes
Draft InvoicesHighlights any draft bills or sales invoices in XeroYesNo
Duplicate ContactsDuplicate contacts go through all your Xero contacts and matches contacts that we think are the same supplier or customer.YesYes
Duplicate TransactionsDext Precision looks across invoices and bank transactions and highlights records that it thinks could be unwanted duplicates.YesYes
Entertainment AccountsA useful tool that tracks your spend on client and staff entertainment and will let you know if you have breached any thresholdsYesYes
Estimated Corporation TaxA simple Corporation Tax estimate to keep track of how much tax your client needs to pay.YesNo
Estimated VATAn estimation of VAT liability for the periodYesNo
Fixed Asset Account ReconciliationWe will take your fixed asset balance compare it to your balance sheet balance, highlight imbalances and then tell you the date that the imbalance started.YesNo
Fixed Asset AccountsChecks that Fixed Asset Account Types match up to a corresponding General Ledger AccountYesNo
Fixed Asset Depreciation ReconciliationWe will take your fixed asset depreciation account and compare it to your balance sheet depreciation account, highlight imbalances and then tell you the date that the imbalance started.YesNo
Fixed Asset Depreciation Run DateShows you the last time depreciation was run.YesNo
Fixed Asset DraftsReview all draft assets to check none need to be published to balance the registerYesNo
Historical ChangesDetects changes in a defined period of historical data, since a defined date (such as a filing date).YesNo
HMRC StatusFiling and Payment amounts and dates, direct from HMRCYesNo
Lock Dates StatusTrack changes to Xero’s lock dates and combine with account filing information from Companies House (where available) to help you keep Xero data stableYesYes
Multi-Coded ContactsMulti-coded contacts searches through your contacts history to highlight where a contact has been coded against multiple account codes of VAT rates.YesYes
Net AssetsKeep track of net assets over time, and compare current status with previous periods.YesNo
OverpaymentsStay on top of overpaymentsYesYes
PAYE StatusEnsure the PAYE control account is behaving as it should.YesNo
Payroll StatusEnsure the Payroll control account is behaving as it should.YesNo
Pensions StatusEnsure the Pensions control account is behaving as it should.YesNo
Regular SuppliersDesigned to analyse payments to suppliers over time and automatically detect issues.YesYes
Revenue MovementKeep track of revenue over time, and compare performance with previous periods.YesYes
Supplier RelianceMonitor business reliance on key suppliers and assess associated risk.YesYes
Tax Review By CodeReview all transactions for the period over a certain value, grouped by sales tax codeYesNo
Transactions with AttachmentsReview attachments for all transactions over a certain value for the periodYesNo
Transactions without AttachmentsReview all transactions per the period over a certain value that don’t have attachmentsYesNo
VAT Balance Sheet ReviewFor VAT Review – highlights any Balance Sheet transactions with sales tax appliedYesNo
VAT Control AccountReview the balance of the VAT Control Account against pending liabilitiesYesNo
VAT Expense Account ReviewFor VAT Review – highlights high-risk Expense transactions such as Entertainment, Printing and TravelYesNo
VAT Revenue Account ReviewFor VAT Review – finds Revenue transactions that have a non-revenue tax typeYesNo
VAT Scheme ThresholdCompares rolling turnover with the business’s VAT Scheme thresholds to ensure complianceYesNo
Xero ActivityMonitor for sales and bills activity within Xero and raise alerts if none are detected for 30 daysYesNo

Custom Checks List

Custom Checks are non data driven checks that allow you to prompt your team members to perform a task or review that falls outside of the existing Dext’s data driven checks.

Examples for Custom Checks could be:

  • Check invoices for costs and sales have been published to Xero or QuickBooks Online
  • Engagement Letter has been signed
  • Check bank statement balance matches actual bank statement
  • Send queries to client
  • Send VAT return to client for approval
  • More examples listed in screenshot below

Learn more about how to set up Custom Checks in our help article here.

Next Steps:

  1. Set up your Workflow Templates and Custom Checks.
  2. Completing your Workflows and sending for Review or mark as complete.