Workflows in Dext can have up to two reviewers which you assign when creating the Workflow.
- Assigning Reviewers
- Submit the Workflow for Review
- Managing Workflows Under Review
- Tips when reviewing Workflows
What you need to know:
- Reviewers are assigned when you are creating a new workflow. If you need to edit the reviewers you will need to edit the workflow template.
- Reviewers can’t be edited for a workflow in progress/started.
- You can have up to 2 reviewers on each workflow template. You can also have none if a review is not applicable.
- A workflow can only be marked as complete by the person assigned to the workflow, not the reviewers. Once a review has been completed, the reviewers send the workflow back to the assignee who completes the process/workflow.
Assigning Reviewers
When Creating Flows, you can add Reviewers in the Add clients section.
- Within the Practice section, navigate to Workflows and then Creator.
- When creating your workflow, select the clients from the drop down list By Client or By Tag.
- Assign the workflow to the person who will be managing the tasks
- (Optional) Add your Reviewers. You have the option to add up to 2 Reviewers.

Submit the Workflow for Review
Once all the tasks in a workflow are marked as complete the assignee (team member responsible for completing the tasks in the workflow) can submit the workflow for review. By clicking the Submit for review button in the workflow.

Once a workflow has been submitted for review, the reviewers are sent an email to inform them a Workflow is ready for review, starting with the first reviewer, who can either hand it back to the assigned user with any comments or pass it on to the second reviewer (if assigned).
Managing Workflows Under Review
Details of the workflows that are Under Review are listed in the sidebar under Workflow List under Workflows.

Tips when Reviewing Workflows
- Review the Workflow History to see what changes have been made, tasks that have been completed and if you have Data Health & Insights, when and how the Health Score has changed since the work was started.
Go to the History tab at the top of a Workflow. You can toggle between Checks & History.

- Use the Comments section under a task to leave feedback for the assignee/person completing the tasks. This could include changes they need to make, or considerations they need to be aware of. Comments are great to refer back to when completing future workflows for the same client.

Next Steps:
Send the workflow back to the assignee for the workflow to be marked as complete or to make further changes.