The Workflow List shows all Workflows to be completed in your team, and provides various filters to quickly find the Workflows you’re looking for depending on your client access permissions.
- Managing the Workflow List
- Filtering and viewing the workflows in the Workflow List
- Options to manage workflow templates from the Workflow List
What you need to know:
- If you’re unable to see a workflow in the workflow list, you may not have permissions to access this client or this workflow is still a ‘Draft’ and needs to be ‘Started’. It’s only visible to the original author. Once workflows are published by the author, then the roles and permission settings will apply and the relevant team members will see the workflow.
- Workflows that have been started cannot be edited.
- Only the person who created the repeating workflow or Practice Admins can delete the workflow template.
- You can also view all workflows for a specific client by navigating to the clients account and then Overview, the workflows will be listed at the bottom of this page.
Managing the Workflow List
The workflow List can be found under the Practice Account by navigating to Workflows and then List. The list will identify workflows that are set up as Repeating Workflows with a title at the top of the relevant workflow. All other workflows are One Off Workflows.

Filtering and Viewing the workflows in the Workflow List
You can filter workflows by their status (Not Started, In Progress, Under Review & Completed) by clicking on the relevant section at the top of the workflow list.

You can also view the list by different values such as Due Date, Period End Date, Client Name & Workflow Name by selecting from the Sort by drop down list and choosing the setting you wish to view the information in the list.
Use the search box to filter based on the Workflow Template name.
If the Workflow is not yet completed, warnings will be displayed as the Due Date set for the workflow is approaching.

Options to manage Workflow templates from the Workflow List
There are options available for each workflow by clicking on the three little dots on the right of the card.

Edit Workflow – once a workflow has been started there are restrictions on what you can edit per screenshot below.

Duplicate Workflow – All settings will be duplicated if you choose this option. You may want to use this feature if you want to keep a lot of the parameters set in the workflow but only want to change the date range or different client base.

Delete Workflow – This option allows you to delete the workflow from the workflow list. If you delete the workflow from the workflow list this action can’t be undone. You’ll need to create another workflow if it was set up as a One Off Workflow. If it was a Repeating Workflow you’ll need to wait for the next scheduled date to see changes made.
Note: Deleting a repeating workflow from the workflow list will not delete the Repeating Workflow Template only the workflow you’re viewing.

Next Steps:
Completing Workflows – Click on a flow in the Workflow List to open and review and complete all the tasks in a workflow.