Dext Business is built for our business customers. It’s designed so that you can manage the financial documentation for your business from one dedicated space.

A Dext Prepare Account with submitted receipts and invoices
Manage each transaction that your company and employees make. Each Account User can submit receipts, invoices or other financial paperwork directly to their account using;
That’s right: you can throw away all of your old receipts! Just take a quick picture and your purchases will be securely stored in Dext Prepare.
Your Account can be fully customised to work alongside any other Accounting Software you use. Code each transaction according to your existing records and publish processed transactions straight to your integration.

A submitted invoice with all of its associated, extracted data
With Dext Business, you can customise the plan to suit your business needs!
If you’re interested in signing up for Dext Prepare, click here and take out a free trial of the service.