Easily keep track of inventory and job costings with Products and Services lists in Dext Prepare.
When you create a Product/Service in accounting software and integrate it with your Dext Prepare account, you can then assign a category, unit price, and other fields to that product/service. When that product/service is then added to a line item the attached fields will be pre-filled with the data connected to that Product or Service.
- Adding & Editing Products & Services
- Assigning to an Individual Item
- Assigning to a Line Item
- Automatically Assigning to Specific Suppliers with Supplier Rules
Adding & Editing Products & Services
Your Product/Services list will be brought over from your integration when connected to your Dext Prepare account.
You can view your products/services by going to Business Settings >Lists >Products/Services.
You can create a new item by clicking the Add Product/Service button.

It is possible to use the list to hide certain options, but editing the list must be done from your accounting software account. You can speed up Dext Prepare recognising these changes by pressing the Reload button on this page.
Assigning an Individual Item
To add a Product or Service to an item follow these steps:
- Click into the Costs workspace and open the relevant item. Go to the Product/Service drop down menu and make your selection.

Please note that if you are connected to QuickBooks online you are able to select either a Product/Service or a Category, not both. If you select a Product/Service then the category will be assigned based on the item setup in QuickBooks.
If you are connected to Xero then you are able to select both a Product/Service and a Category.
If you’re tracking inventory in QuickBooks Online or Xero, make sure to add line items for each product/service so that you can add a quantity for the item. See how to do this in the following sections.
Assigning to a Line Item
To assign a product/service to a line item:
- On the Item Details page scroll down to the Line Items section and click Create line items.

- Enter the line item details, and select the relevant Product/Service from the dropdown.

- Once you have finished adding line items and assigning Products or Services click Done.
- When the item is ready you can publish it to your connected accounting software by clicking the Publish button. If you are tracking inventory (quantity), these will be adjusted automatically.
Please note that QuickBooks Online France does not support inventory (quantity) tracking.
If your Product/Service has been added recently and is not appearing on the drop-down list. Then click on the Lists menu and into Products/Services and then click on the Reload button. Iit may take a few minutes for the list to reload.

Automatically Assign Products/Services to Specific Suppliers with Supplier Rules
For transactions from specific suppliers that always apply to a product or service you can set up supplier rules to have each transaction from this supplier automatically assigned to the relevant products/service.
To do this:
- Go to Costs, then Suppliers. Next to the relevant supplier select the product or service from the PRODUCT/SERVICE drop down.

You are also able to assign a number of other fields automatically via supplier rules. For more information about supplier rules see the next section.
- To add a quantity to your supplier rules, simply click on the supplier, then once on the supplier’s page scroll down and click on the Add Smart Split Rule button.

- Then set a quantity for either a fixed amount for each line item, or a percentage amount for each line item, for this supplier. And when ready click Apply.