After you’ve created an Expense Claim, it will be available to view, edit and publish from the ‘Expense Claims’ tab.
- How to edit Expense Claims
- How to enable image sharing on your Expense Claim
- How to export an Expense Claim as a PDF or CSV
- How to add or remove items from Expense Claims
- How to review and submit Expense Claims for approval using the Mobile App
- How to add items to an Existing Expense Claim using the Mobile App
- How to add items to an Expense Claim while in an Expense Claim on the Mobile App
- How to add an item you’re viewing to an Expense Claim in the Mobile App
How to Edit Expense Claims
- Go to Expense Claims in the sidebar to view all of the claims you’ve previously created.
From the Expense Claims page you can set a default supplier for each user (to be automatically applied to each expense claim for that user) by clicking the Supplier Defaults button at the top of the page.

- Click on the row of any single Expense Claim to view it in more detail. Here, you can view each of the transactions that make up the claim, and edit the claim as a whole.

- Click any listed item to view and edit the original transaction. Ensure you categorise each transaction to be able to publish the Expense Claim to an Integrated Accounting Software.
- The area on the right-hand side of the page are the Claim Details for the expense claim and you are able to edit all the fields to meet your requirements. There is also the Audit Trail to view who has created, processed or viewed the expense claim.
When an Expense Claim is created for a user for the first time a supplier will automatically be created. You can adjust an Expense Claim’s supplier on the Claim Details page by selecting the desired supplier from the Claim Supplier drop down. You can also set a default supplier for each user from the Expense Claims page by clicking the Supplier Defaults button at the top of the page.

- Click PDF Preview to see what your completed expense claim will look like when you publish, download or share it.

When you’ve completed an Expense Claim, you can:
- Publish it to an Integrated Accounting Software
- Download it as a PDF or CSV file using the ‘Download’ button on the top toolbar
- Email it to someone using the ‘Send via e-mail’ option after clicking the ‘Download’ button on the top toolbar.
How to enable image sharing on your Expense Claim
Enabling the image sharing function allows you to embed a link to an image of the original item that you can click on and view. This also allows you to share a PDF of the expense claim with anyone and they do not need to have access to Dext Prepare in order to view the original images.
To enable image sharing:
- Navigate to the Manage menu then click on Profile and then Account Details.
- Scroll down to Image Sharing and switch the Image Sharing toggle to on.

How to export an Expense Claim as a PDF or CSV
To export an Expense Claim as a PDF:
- Go to the Expense Claims area and tick the checkbox next to the claim you wish to export.

- Go to Tools at the top of the page and click Export from the dropdown list.

- Select CSV or PDF, then click Export.

How to add and remove items from Expense Claim
Add and remove items from Expense Claims to ensure that reimbursable payments are assigned to the correct person.
Add an item to an expense claim:
- From your Costs Inbox, click on the item you’d like to add to the expense claim
- Then click the Add to Expense Claim button

- Select an existing Expense Claim and click Add

After adding an item to an Expense Claim, it’ll be moved out of the Inbox and into the Archive.
Remove an item from an expense claim:
- Navigate to the ‘Inbox’ in the Expense Claims section of the menu
- Click into the Expense Claim you’d like to edit
- And then click the red cross next to the item(s) you’d like to remove

After you remove an item from an Expense Claim, it’ll move back to the Inbox.
How to review and submit Expense Claims for approval using the Mobile App
You can review and submit your expense claim for approval in the app by:
- Clicking the Expense Claim button
- Clicking into the expense claim you’d like to review
- (Optional) Click into the Summary section to edit the claim details and add a description
- (Optional) Click into an item listed on the expense claim to edit the item details
- Click the three dots in the top right corner to make changes to the claim
- Select Submit for Approval

Note: You can also submit your expense claims for approval from the Expense Claim page by pressing and sliding the expense claim right and selecting the Submit for Approval button.
How to add items to an Existing Expense Claim using the Mobile App
To add items to an existing expense claim:
- Select the items you’d like to add to the claim by:
- Pressing and holding on an item to see check boxes
- Clicking the Checkmark button in the top right corner
- Click the three dots in the bottom corner and select Add to expense claim
- Select the expense claim you’d like to add the item(s) to and click Confirm

How to add items to an Expense Claim while in an Expense Claim on the Mobile App
You can now add items to an existing expense claim whilst you’re viewing the expense claim in the mobile app!
You can do this by:
- Logging into the mobile app.
- Navigating to the Expense Claims section.
- Clicking into the relevant expense Claim.
- Clicking the three dots in the top right corner and selecting Add items.
- Select the items you’d like to add and then click Confirm.
How to add an item you’re viewing to an Expense Claim in the Mobile App
When viewing an item in the mobile app, you can now add this into an expense claim!
To do this:
- Log into the mobile app.
- Click into the item you’d like to add to an expense claim.
- Click the three dots in the top right corner and then select Add to expense claim.
- Select which expense claim you’d like to add the item to and then click Confirm.