If your team manages many clients, you’ll likely have a concept in your team structure where certain people look after certain clients. In Precision, we refer to these people as Account Managers.
When you first create a Dext Precision client, you’ll be automatically assigned to that client as the Account Manager. You can see who each client’s Account Manager by their icon on the Client List card, and filter the list so that you only see the clients that you manage:

To change who the Account Manager is for a client there are two ways you can do this.
First option is to make the change under Team Home – Configuration – Client Configuration. Here you can use our bulk editor to view all clients.

Simply click on the account manager columns and open the editor.

Search and update the account manager.

The second option is to click on the client in the client list, then open the configuration menu from the Client Sidebar. Under this menu, you’ll see an option for General settings. Update your Account Manager in the settings at the bottom of this page.

Making sure that you have the right Account Managers assigned provides a streamlined view in the Client List and easy Workflow assignment in Workflows, as well as better practice performance overviews in the Practice Dashboard and Workflows Dashboard.