Common Sage 50 and Dext Connect Errors

This page contains some common errors encountered when using the Connect desktop application with Sage 50, and how to troubleshoot them.

Username already in use


  • The same username used to integrate with Connect has also been used to perform a different integration (e.g. the previous desktop integration)
  • The Connect app is currently syncing
  • A document is stuck in Sage 50


  • Uninstall any previous desktop connectors and restart your computer or service
  • Check your ‘user connections’ in Sage 50
  • Clean the Sage 50
  • Create a new username and password in Sage 50 and update it in Connect
  • Check for an update to the Connect app, and install the latest version

Connect does not install


  • You do not have administrator privileges on your computer or server
  • Connect is being blocked by your firewall or antivirus programs


  • Install the Connect app as your computer or server’s admin
  • Add Connect to your antivirus or firewall’s whitelist

The ‘Publish’ button is greyed out in Connect


  • Connect is offline